156 ENDOSPORE.*:. [alwisi of numerous irregular, tubular threads, 0'5 to I mm. long, 3 18 fi wide at their origin at the apex of the sporangium, when they radiate downwards, tapering and branching at a wide ang below, the slender extremities attached to the wall about ha] way down the sporangium ; pale red, beset with minute scatter! papiUse. Spores pale red, closely reticulated over the great part of the surface, the remaining part loosely reticulated, 5 to /A diam.—Mass., in Journ. R. Micr. Soc (1889), p. 349. Trich fragilis Rost., Mon., App., p. 39 (in part). Prototrichia Bomban Mass., Mon., p. 128. Plate LVIII., B.—a. clusters of sporangia, x 2; J. cluster of sporang: X 20; c. immature sporangia, from a mounting in glycerine, showin through the walls, the capillitium threads arising from the apex of t sporangium, x 20 ; d. fragment, of upper sporangium-waU, from whi three capiUitium threads proceed, only a small part of the thread show X 280 ; e. fragment of sporangium-waU to which the lower end of a branchii capilUtium thread is attached, x 280;/. spores, x 600 (Ceylon). This species is represented by a single gathering in July 1868 1 Thwaites from Ceylon. The sporangia are to a large extent immatui purplish, and with the spores imperfectly developed, but a few a nearly mature and show the rufous-brown colour described abov Although the character of the long clustered stalks is peculiar, tl colour and texture of the sporangium-waU, and the colour, size, ai markings of the spores are similar to what is ^en in other membe of the Tubulinece, while the threads of the capillitium find a clo analogy in the tubular extensions of the sporangium-waU of Siph ptychium. Hah. On Jungermannia, growing on decayed wood.—GongoUa Forei Ceylon (B. M. 1000). Order IV.—RETicuLARiACEiB. Sporangia combined into i sethalium; sporangium-walls incomplete, perforated, or forming spurious capillitium. KEY TO THE GENERA OF RETIGULARIACE^. Sporangium-wall cap-shaped at the apex, continued down to t hypothaUus in four to six straight threads. (30) DlCTYDI^THALIU Fig. 38.—Bietydusthalium plmnbeum Eost. ffi. -SSthalium. Natural size. i. Eight sporangia of an sethalium isolated; in three the column of spores has fallen away, leaving the cap and persistent threads. Mag¬ nified 20 times.